If this says anything about my favorite tropes... Here's an ongoing catalog of a lot of my story/art characters, by story universe, each with a link or two to TV Tropes that describes their personality, story role, or, more often, superpowers/abilities/magic/juju. Whatever floats my boat.
And why, you ask? Just for kicks. Hahaha.
Renaissance Faire - Little Miss Badass, Hellhound
Avalesq - You Are Who You Eat
Severine - The Shadow Knows, Grand Theft Me
Anachron - Living Shadow
Tesla - Heart Drive, Pulling Themselves Together
Naime - Wrench Wench, Superpowered Evil Side
Baltimore - Career Killer, In Love With the Mark
CARBON - Eldritch Abomination, Mind Hive, Gone Horribly Right
Cale - Big Bad Ass Wolf, Our Werewolves Are Different
Abel - Beware My Stinger Tail, Wolverine Claws
Rena - Multiarmed and Dangerous, Combat Tentacles
Becker - Winged Humanoid, Missing Time
Ophelia - Poisonous Person, Femme Fatale
Nathaniel - From Nobody to Nightmare, Black Magic
Eliza - Break the Cutie, Berserk Button
Katy - Playing With Fire, Power Incontinence
Relic - Living Weapon
Constantly in progress. I have a bajillion characters.
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